Wednesday, February 29, 2012

TV Logic VFM-056WP

So, I walked into Abel Cine looking to buy a Marshall monitor with HDMI loop thru.  The salesman said I didn't want that, I wanted the TV Logic VFM-056WP.  I decided to go over to Filmtools and again asked for the Marshall and that salesman said I didn't want that, what all the kids were using was the TV Logic VFM-056WP.

The Marshall I was looking for was a 7" for a $1000 bucks.  The TV Logic was only 5.6" and was $1500.  So, why so much?

The TV Logic hass everything you want in a "ViewFinder Monitor".  It has false color, zebras, focus assist, built-in waveform and vectorscope, markers, audio, TC display, tally, etc.  And it has two things the Marshall doesn't offer:
First is resolution.  While most monitors these days are 800x500 the TV Logic is 1280x800, which means you can actually judge focus using it.  Plus, it has a special feature for zooming the image when used with a DSLR.
And second, and the big reason, is instead of just an HDMI loop thru it actually converts the HDMI signal into HD-SDI.  No more dealing with HDMI cables that slip out and are only good for 25 foot runs.  Now you can loop out with a BNC connector.
All this in a package that weighs less than a pound and can be powered by mains or the battery of choice.  It broke my heart to spend that much for a small monitor but I paid the $1500.  I've already used the HDSDI loop thru twice.  It works pretty darn good...

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